I saw someone describe the sound of this as "sultry"....but when I first read it, I read it as "slutty". I think both apply smashingly and in the best way possible.
Kita Klane - The Enemy
ps - i forgot how relaxing it is just lay in bed and listen to music.
This song has actually come up on my zune the last two times I've been walking through the Vegas airport upon arrival...so amazingly fitting. Repeat this weekend.
He's gone sort of Coldplay here, but I'll allow it...
Sea Wolf - Old Friend
ps - been hearing that new macklemore & ryan lewis (which i like!) all over rock radio....why is it only white hip hop that ever makes it onto rock radio...seems extremely racist...
Colin Hay (the frontman of Men at Work) was one of Demetri Martin's guests at his show last week. Hay came out and told some stories and played a couple songs...this being one of them. First heard this on Scrubs (I think season 2) and I've been a huge fan of it ever since. It was originally a Men at Work song, but I much, much prefer this stripped down version. Awesomeness.
I'm embarrassed to admit I'm not too familiar with the original version of this by U2, but I fell in love with Jack White's cover after hearing it in The Great Gatsby trailer. Just so damn passionate.
Jack White - Love is Blindness (U2 Cover)
ps - 'the world needs dreamers.......but not their blogs' thanks for a hilarious night, demetri martin.
One of those songs where when you hear it for the first time, you're just like..."yep, that's about right"...at least for me. Not the first and definitely not the last song on here to come from the (500) Days of Summer soundtrack.
Been revisiting Jimmy Eat World's Invented quite a bit the past couple weeks, and I'm pretty sure it's their best album since Bleed American. My current favorite... (though 'Heart is Hard to Find' is probably still my favorite favorite on the album)
Jimmy Eat World - littlething
ps - ahmad bradshaw and hakeem nicks...tonight, please play better than you've ever played before. that would be delightful.