Just a little Muse shout out since I got to see them last week. I'm a bit Muse'd out these days, but the show definitely reinvigorated my love for some of the older stuff.
They didn't even play this song, but it's always been a favorite.
I think I usually prefer these guys when they shy away from their hip hop tendencies....unfortunately, they just don't do it enough. But when they do...we get gems like this...
Twenty One Pilots - Tear In My Heart
ps - ive seen nearly every single episode and @midnight continues to entertain me
The new indie darling on the scene and for good reason. Not every song works for me, but I must admit I've fallen prey to her endearing 90's grungy slacker rock.
Courtney Barnett - Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party
ps - bummed about this whole mad men being almost done thing
I've always been pretty bored with MS MR...and then I heard 'Painted'... Man, did they pick things up. If they keep up with this intensity and urgency on their new album I may very well have to jump on the bandwagon.