Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Accomplice: Hollywood

Damn, this is addictive...
Anyway, this past weekend, I got to partake in one of the coolest things I've done in LA since I moved here a year and 3 months ago (geez, I've been here THAT long?).  This thing was called Accomplice: Hollywood, and I don't want to get into it too much, as it's best to go in with minimal knowledge, but it's sort of an interactive play/game/mystery/scavenger hunt hybrid where you walk around to different parts of Hollywood and interact with actors and essentially try to solve a mystery.  I'll let the great Neil Patrick Harris, co-producer of the whole shebang, explain Accomplice in his own words on the Rachel Ray show...

and here's the Nikki Desmond (who NPH mentiones in the above video) intro video that is required viewing before you embark on your quest...

It truly is an absolute blast, and extremely funny (the extent to which might depend on the group dynamic you have going and the rapport you build with the actors).

There are also 2 New York iterations of Accomplice (Accomplice: New York and Accomplice: The Village) which I'm now dying to try....hopefully soon.

So seriously, get a group of 8-10 good friends together and make this happen.  I do want to emphasize trying to get a group that big, because I think that should provide the best overall experience.  If you have a smaller amount, it's surely still going to be fun, but you run the risk of being mixed with another group of people, and then you might have to socialize with random strangers, and let's face one wants to deal with that.  Plus they could be weird or smelly or like the movie Wild Hogs, and probably don't want to associate with those people...
Do it.

Definitely Frazier Aprroved...  

Currently on my Winamp (suck it, iTunes!): One Republic - Apologize (Timbaland Remix)
(stuck in my head)

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