Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maybe Rivers does still have a little some-somethin up his sleeve...

I'm a Weezer fan, I really am....I even have a Weezer t-shirt (see: right) I like to wear from time to time...but I have to say, outside of a song here or there ('Perfect Situation' comes to mind) I haven't particularly cared for much of anything they've done in a really long time.  I, for one, can't stand 'Beverly Hills', and 'Pork and Beans' was as mediocre as it gets, but that's all really neither here nor there.  With this post, I'm here to celebrate and share what I think is their best song in nearly a decade: '(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To'.  I can occasionally be prone to hyperbole, but this has been a big part of my music rotation since it first came out back in August (I think that's when it was).  It's so simple, supremely catchy and cheery, and well, I dig the lyrics.

So, you may ask, what am I doing talking about this song in November when it's been out for months and essentially old news?  Well, dear reader, I'm glad you asked!  I recently came across a youtube clip of Weezer perfoming this song with Sara Bareilles (of 'Love Song' fame) for an AOL Sessions, and I just fell in love with the song all over again.  The female vocals add a little something to the mix, it works quite well as a duet, and it looks like they're just having a blast playing and singing.  It's a real pleasure to watch and Sara B is actually pretty cute, so I figured it was worthy of a mention on this little rag of a blog...  Enjoy!

Hot damn, it's infectious!

Currently on my Winamp (suck it, iTunes!): Nothing...because I've got this song playing in YouTube in another window...for like the 12th time in a row...

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