Friday, January 14, 2011

Song Of The Day #1

Rather than just having this be another never-updated blog wasting away on the interwebs (of which I now have 2), I figured I might as well try and give this a purpose...until I get lazy again and abandon it in 5 days...  So for the foreseeable future, I'm just going to use this as a forum to try and re-start up the Song of the Day deal I used to do oh so long ago (for full disclosure, I was bullied to start doing this again after seeing some friends from high school recently....they threatened me with baseball bats, torture chambers and the kidnapping of my eventual first-born).  No promises on daily updates or even every other day (bi-daily?), but I'll try to do something weekly, at the minimum....ok, at least bi-weekly, promise!...maybe...

So in the interests of sharing the love (and the safety of my future son, 'lil Mookie), here we go...

OK, well I was having trouble picking an appropriate song for the first entry, so I decided to just go with what might be my favorite band I've discovered in the past year and a half, Hockey (yep, like the sport...except way better).  I had quite a tough time picking a single song to feature, as well, so in continuing my tradition of avoiding dealing with difficult decisions, this first edition of the Frazier Approved Song of the Day is going to have not 1, not 2, but 3 certifiably awesome songs!  I feel like Oprah.
I'm not gonna get too much into anything about them, but if you ever have a chance to see them live, DO IT!..and bring your dancing shoes.

Hockey - Song Away

 Hockey - Too Fake

 and probably my favorite by them...
Hockey - Put The Game Down

And with that, I bid you adieu.

ps - I have no interest in making this about discovering the latest, little-heard indie song, but rather just sharing music I like old and expect a little bit of everything here...except the Black Eyed Peas and Blue October.
pss - Most entries will likely be accompanied with very little commentary/lame attempts at humor. You're welcome.
pss - love my woodlandsposse!

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